A New Adventure

As a New York Native for almost 28 years, I have been presented an opportunity that has already begun changing my life, and most importantly my perspective on the world. With this new opportunity, I have been making vast discoveries of the local recreation and outdoor activities, which is drastically different than that of the rolling countryside from which I originated. Where I once was eager to jump into lakes and ponds, to observe nature at it’s finest and get the perfect shot, this new territory I trek comes with new dangers and a whole new set of rules to which I am not accustomed. My love and passion for photography began when I was in the 10th grade, and I had the opportunity to take my first photography class. Throughout the years, I have dabbled in many forms of photography, but the one that always fed my soul was that of nature and wildlife, and the occasional danger that came with it. I find it enthralling to capture wildlife and nature in all its forms, and in moments people rarely will ever see in real life, through my photography, and through my eyes. I am currently pursuing the discovery of Florida, and all it has to offer as I set off on this new path of discovery. I look forward to seeing where this journey takes me, and through this blog and my photography I hope you will join me on this exhilarating and curious new adventure.

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